What is the significance of the asterix in Trans*?

Adding an Asterix to the term Trans has been embraced by some as an inclusive and all-encompassing term. Similar in concept to the term “Womxn” used to broaden the scope of traditional definitions, Trans* can be used as an extensive term to include: Transgender, Non-binary, Transmasculine and Transfeminine, genderfluid, agender, genderfluid, two-spirit, androgynous etc.

The term Trans* can be considered to include everyone that is not cisgender, and is perceived to be more socially positive versus the alternative “non cis-gendered”.

Trans* was added to the Oxford English Dictionary on April 3rd 2018, alongside terms such as asexual and bi-gender. For most, the asterix is welcomed as way to be inclusive to all binaries and identities, as well as removing the need to define gender identity too precisely.

Not everyone is positive about the term; some argue that not all of the gender minorities that have been included within the asterixed term will want to be under this umbrella.

On balance, the inclusion of the Asterix as an extension to the word Trans helps to acknowledge all minority gender identities and expressions that may not have been explicitly included; similar to the intention behind the plus in LGBT+.

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