Diversity Dreaming supports Diversity and Inclusion Champions, HR Professionals and Business Leaders.
My mission is to create a safe space for you to learn more about how you can progress with your diversity and inclusion initiatives. I can help to turn your dreams into a reality.
| Lucy Brown (Smith) - Founder of Diversity Dreaming |
Supporting non-binary colleagues: Businesses should be doing more.
Engaged firms should lead by example and not wait for the legal apparatus to afford non-binary colleagues the same rights as others. This should include the right to be identified appropriately and to be able to safely use the appropriate bathroom and well-being facilities. Find out how you can support your employees by reading more.
Losing momentum? A guide to reviving your diversity work in 2021
Has your diversity work run out of steam or lacking engagement? It happens to all of us, we kick start a new project with bucket loads of passion and energy but over time this energy depletes and we slump into slow motion. Perhaps other workloads have increased or leadership priorities have changed. Tip #1 is not to panic; you can get the ball rolling again by following these simple steps.
The danger of the term “Karen”
The name “Karen” has gained popularity on social media as a slang term to describe a middle aged white woman displaying acts of racism, entitlement and/or privilege. “Karen” emerged to remind us of, and to illustrate, poor behaviour and illogical actions; there is no doubt that racist and entitled behaviour is unwanted. However, there is a risk of typecasting all womxn, white middle-class womxn in particular, to that same effect. Click on the button below to learn more about this topic.