Diversity Dreaming in the news

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WOMEN ON TOP: “It’s important that we make sure everyone feels seen, valued and respected” | DIVA

Lucy Smith (now Lucy Brown) from Mercer and Diversity Dreaming speaks to myGwork‘s Alim Kheraj about allyship, why LGBTQ+ equality must be discussed in the workplace and her role as co-chair of Mercer Pride UK.

Link here.

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What Keeps Me Fighting? by Lucy (Smith) Brown | If we are then what

As I look towards my upcoming wedding, I continue to see first-hand how my LGBT+ friends do not have the luxury of always feeling safe in 2021 to hold hands in public or to book any country for their holiday, and it breaks my heart that anyone could judge so deeply and dangerously about who someone chooses to love. I often wonder, why we are as the human race, so deeply judgemental and frightened about people that are different from us. Link here.

Supporting Goodman Masson recruitment firm with allyship training | Recruiter

“We have partnered with Trans in the City on their ‘Trans rights are human rights’ campaign; created new partnerships with the likes of interest.org; normalised and promoted the sharing of pronouns on email signatures and LinkedIn; and hosted an ally-ship seminar with D&I support organization Diversity Dreaming.”

Link here.